
Charts is Excel

Chart in Excel is a pictorial representation of data. It allows us to present data entered into the worksheet in a visual format using a variety of graph types.

Types of Charts

How to create a chart?

1. Select the cells we want to insert into the chart, including the column titles and row labels.
2. Click the Insert tab.
3. In the Charts group, select the desired charts category.
4. Select the desired Chart type from the drop-down menu.
5. The chart will appear in the worksheet.

Different parts of an Excel chart

Chart area
Everything inside the chart window, including all parts of the chart (labels, axes, data markers, tick marks, and other elements listed here).

Plot area
The area where Excel plots our data, including the axes and all markers that represent data points.

Data series
A group of related values, such as all the values in a single row in the chart.

A line that serves as a major reference for plotting data in a chart. In two-dimensional charts there are two axes - the x-axis (horizontal / category) and the y-axis (vertical / value).

Tick mark
A small line intersecting an axis. A tick mark indicates a category, scale or chart data series.

Gridlines are optional lines extending from the tick marks across the plot area, thus making it easier to view the data values representing by the tick marks.

Chart text
A label or title that you add to the chart.

A legend is a key that identifies patterns, colors or symbols associate with the markers of a chart data series.

Advantages of Chart

1) It helps US to analyze and evaluate the worksheet conveniently.
2) It also holds the interest of the audience if the data is present in graphical or pictorial form, which is easier to read and understand.

Embedded chart
It is a chart object that is placed on a worksheet and saved with that worksheet when the workbook is saved.

Chart Sheet
It is a sheet in a workbook that contains only a chart. it is beneficial when we want to view a chart separately from workbook data.


Hi, Its me Hafeez. A webdesigner, blogspot developer and UI/UX Designer. I am a certified Themeforest top Author and Front-End Developer. I'am business speaker, marketer, Blogger and Javascript Programmer.

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