
Computer Language | Types of Computer Language

Different types of Computer Languages

Low Level Language (Machine Language)

Low-Level Language is one and only language, which is directly understood by the computer system. Machine language is an example of Low-Level language,which is also known as Binary Language. It consists with two Binary numbers 0 & 1, which is two states of electrical pulses - OFF (0) & ON (1). All the instructions of Low-Level language are written in combination form of Binary digits, like - 101101010, which is difficult to understand for the user. As the CPU directly understands the Binary language, it does not require any translations. This language is considered as the First Generation of Language (1GL).

  • A computer can easily understand the Low-Level language.
  • Low-Level language instructions are executed directly without any translator.
  • Low-Level language instructions require very less time for their execution.

  • Low-Level language instructions very difficult to use and understand.
  • It is machine dependent, that means a program written in one machine does not execute on another machine.
  • It is difficult for a programmer to find error (bug) and debug in Machine Language.

Middle Level Language (Assembly Language)

In Middle-Level Language the instructions are created using some symbols, digits and special characters, which is known as Mnemonics Codes. In this language, the Binary codes in Machine language are replaced with Mnemonics codes. Computer cannot understand Mnemonics codes, so computer uses translator, called Assembler. Assembler is a translator, which takes assembly code as input and produces machine (Binary) codes. Like Machine language, it is also depends upon the internal structure of the machine. This language is considered as the Second Generation of Language (2GL).

  • It is easier to write instructions in Assembly language than writing in machine language.
  • It is more readable as compared to low-level language.
  • Easy to understand and find error than low-level language.

  • It is machine dependent.
  • It needs translator to translate from Assembly language to machine language.
  • As it requires translator, so it is slower than machine language.

High Level Language

High-Level language is understood by the user, because it consists with some English like statements which have a set of grammar rules that make instructions more easy and understandable. Every high-level language has a set of predefined words known as Keywords and a set of rules known as Syntax to create instructions. Computer cannot understand high-level language instructions, so it requires translator to convert high-level language program into machine language. Compiler and Interpreter are the translators to convert from high-level language to machine language program. This language is also referred as Third Generation of Language (3GL).
Some examples of High-Level language are BASIC, C, C++, COBOL, Java, etc.

  • Writing instructions in high-level language program is easier, as it is more readable and understandable.
  • It is machine independent, that means high-level language program runs on different machines.
  • Easy to find errors and debug.

  • It is slower than Machine and Assembly language.
  • Cannot communicate directly with the hardware.
  • They are generally less memory efficient as compare to Low-Level language.
Differences on coding among all types of Languages

Compiler: A compiler reads the entire source program and converts it into object program which is typically stored in a file. The object code is also referred to as binary code and can be directly executed by the machine after converting. It is faster than Interpreter. Examples of Compiler based language are C, C++. Java, etc.

Interpreter: Interpreter reads the source program line-by-line and converts it into object program. It is slower than Compiler. Examples of Interpreter based programming language are BASIC, Python, Perl, etc.

Source program & Object program: Programs written in high-level language is called source program and after converting source program using translator into machine language, is called Object program.

Differences between Low Level Language and High Level Language

Low Level Language
  1. It is faster than High Level Language.
  2. It does not require translator.
  3. It is machine dependent.
  4. Machine language program is difficult to understand.
  5. For the programmer, it is difficult to find any errors and debug.

High Level Language
  1. It is slower than Low Level Language.
  2. Compiler and Interpreter are two types of translator.
  3. It is machine independent.
  4. High Level language program is easy to understand.
  5. For the programmer, it is easy to find any error and debug.

Fourth Generation Language (4GL)

Fourth-Generation Language or 4GL can be any computer programming language that can be treated as the advancement of Third Generation Language (3GL). It is tend to be GUI (Graphical User Interface) based, i.e., dragging and dropping elements, rather than typing command, and then generating code based on the results. These are usually focused on the creation of databases, reports and websites. Some examples of 4GL are – ColdFusion, Progress 4GL, Clarion, Oracle Reports, Forte Tools, etc.

  • Programming productivity is increased.
  • System development is faster.
  • Size of codes reduce.
  • Programming maintenance is easier.
  • Programs in 4GL is more portable than others.

  • It needs more disk space.
  • It consumes more CPU while execution, so execution speed is slower than others.


Hi, Its me Hafeez. A webdesigner, blogspot developer and UI/UX Designer. I am a certified Themeforest top Author and Front-End Developer. I'am business speaker, marketer, Blogger and Javascript Programmer.

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