Java gained wide popularity amongst the users due to its platform independence. The platform independence means the program in Java language can be executed on any types of Operating System (OS).
Java language allows writing a program in two ways. They are:
Java language allows writing a program in two ways. They are:
- Java application or Standalone system: It is a Java program that is developed to run on a computer without any help of a web browser. It is also known as standalone system.
- Java applet or Internet applet: It is a program written in Java language that can be included in a web page in the same way as a picture or a clip is included. Java applets are run with the help a Java supported web browser.
Features of Java Language
- Java is object oriented programming language.
- It is a high level programming language.
- It is platform independent.
- It uses compiler as well as interpreter.
- It is a robust language.
- It is case sensitive.
Java Compiler and Interpreter
Java compiler is a system software that converts a program in Java (Java source code) into an intermediate binary form called Byte Code. Further, the byte code is converted into machine code suitable to a specific platform known as Java Interpreter.
Java Interpreter enables a computer to execute a Java program as well as a program written in other language compiled into Java byte code. This is the reason, Java interpreter is said to be Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
It is important to know that Java machine code varies for different platforms such as windows (single user OS), UNIX (multi-user OS) including other operating systems.
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